The animals here are listed alphabetically by common name.
A few things to keep in mind when viewing the images below: 1) Males and females of the same species don’t always look the same; 2) adults and juveniles of the same species don’t always look the same; and 3) some species look the same and can only be differentiated from one another by dental or DNA analysis.
The names listed under the image* of the animal are, to the best of my knowledge, current and correct. Some of the common names, as well as the scientific names, may differ from what is listed on the Range Maps and Life History Account sheets. Names change as taxonomy continues to shift in all fields of biology!
*All of the images below were downloaded from the Internet. They were either listed for non-commercial use or are used with the permission of the photographer. The NCRCD would like to gratefully acknowledge the following photographers: Connor Long, Ben Low, J. Maughn, and Gary Nafis. Thank you so much gentlemen!

Blainville’s Horned Lizard

California Alligator Lizard – Elgaria multicarinata multicarinata

California Kingsnake – Lampropeltis getula californiae

California Mountain Kingsnake – Lampropeltis zonata

California Night Snake – Hypsigiena ochrorhyncha nuchalata

California Striped Racer – Coluber lateralis lateralis

California Whiptail – Aspidoscelis tigris munda

Coral-bellied Ring-necked Snake – Diadophis punctatus pulchellus

Long-nosed Snake – Rhinocheilus lecontei

Mountain Gartersnake – Thamnophis elegans elegans

Northern Western Pond Turtle – Actinemys marmorata

Northwestern Fence Lizard – Sceloporus occidentalis occidenalis

Pacific Gopher Snake – Pituophis catenifer catenifer

Red-eared Slider – Trachemys scripta elegans

Rubber Boa – Charina Bottae

Sharp-tailed Snake – Contia tenuis

Sierra Alligator Lizard – Elgaria coerulea palmeri

Sierra Gartersnake – Thamnophis couchii

Valley Gartersnake – Thamnophis sirtalis fitchi

Western Sagebrush Lizard – Sceloporus graciosus gracilis

Western Yellow-bellied Snake – Coluber constrictor mormon