The Nevada County Resource Conservation District provides scholarships to local students pursuing studies within the wide variety of agricultural and conservation-led fields with possible careers including but not limited to: heavy equipment operation, agricultural engineering, forestry, chemistry, biology, research, rangeland management, welding, Ag economics, firefighting, Ag teaching, and Ag communications among many other career concentrations. Students apply for the NCRCD Ag Scholarship through their high school scholarship program.
NCRCD funds scholarships for passionate students with the intention of becoming future agriculturalists and conservationists, and perhaps even bringing that acquired knowledge and experiences back to our community to inform and lead. Our world and society depend on the future of agriculture, and through these scholarships, we hope to inspire and enable students to develop into working lands managers, advocates, and leaders.

Every year, the Nevada County Resource Conservation District offers for up to four junior and senior high school students full paid scholarships for Range Camp in Half Moon Bay California.
It is a wonderful week of education for students to learn about riparian habitats, rangeland ecology, wildlife managemen, soils, forestry, plant identification, recreation, private and public lands, watershed hydrology, GPS/GIS technilogy applications, a tour of a working ranch, and given a team project planning competition.