
Rangeland is described as land on which the native vegetation is mostly grasses, grass-like plants, forbs, shrubs, and trees. Existing vegetation can include both native and introduced plants. Management of rangeland is done primarily by grazing (by both domestic livestock and wildlife) with fire and weather conditions factored in. Rangelands include grasslands, forest lands, savannas, shrublands, deserts, tundra, marshes, and meadows.
The people at Nevada County Farm Supply and Peaceful Valley Farm Supply have seed mixes available that are geared toward growing grasses in our foothills area. Both stores have knowledgeable staff to speak with if you are uncertain which type of seed mix you need.
Range management is about more than simply growing grass for your livestock. Below are some articles, published papers, and documents to help you conserve your natural resources and keep your land healthy.
Helpful Links
Annual Range Forage Production
Annual Rangeland Forage Quality
The Benefits of Grazing
California Guidelines for RDM Management on Coastal and Foothill Annual Rangelands
California and Nevada Rangeland Health Standards and Guidelines
The California Rangeland Resolution
Economics and Feed Values of Various Harvest and Storage Protocols
Estimating the Cost of Replacing Forage Losses on Annual Rangeland
Grazing and Land Management Strategies for Hardwood Rangelands
Intensive Grazing Increases Beef Production
Interpreting Indicators of Rangeland Health
Livestock and Grazing Management in California’s Hardwood Rangelands
Photo Monitoring for Better Land Use
Placing Livestock Without the Aid of Fences
Timing, Frequency of Sampling Affect Accuracy of Water-Quality Monitoring
UCCE Helps Bring Cattle Grazing Back to the Bay
Water for Wildlife – A Handbook for Ranchers and Range Managers
Working Trees for Livestock – Agroforestry